Daftar Blog Saya

Minggu, 01 Januari 2012


Oleh: Aisyah*
*Mahasiswa Pascasarjana Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Sriwijaya

SCHOOL UNIT                     :           SMP 2 CILEUNYI
SUBJECT                               :           SCIENCE (PHYSICS)
GRADE                                  :           VIII
CHAPTER                              :           MOTION
TIME ALLOCATION           :           2 X 40’

Standard Competence:
Understand motion, work, force and energy concepts in daily life

Basic Competence:
Analyze the data of the linear and un linear experiments and their application in daily life

1.      Collect information on quantities of motion in daily life
2.      Understand the difference between relative motion and apparent motion
3.      Define the meaning of one motion of an object

Student’s Book
Student’s Worksheet

Instructional Process
1. Model          :           Discussion
Cooperative learning
Direct Instruction
Task Assignment
2. Approach    :           Contextual Teaching and Learning

1.        Ask a student to just stand in front of the class and another student to walk around back and forth. Other students are asked to observe and show the results of their observation. The teacher guides the students in finding the answer that one of their friends is at rest and the other one is in motion.
2.        The teacher writes the main subject on the blackboard “Motion”
3.        The teacher introduces the indicators of learning

Main Activity
1.      Students are asked to talk about the opinion whether it is necessary to identify a motion by directly seeing the movement or not. The students will have various opinions and the teacher informs them that they will find their own answer through the observation activity in the student’s worksheet.
2.      Let Students sit in a cooperative learning setting and remind them of the cooperative skills that will be trained and how to follow the training.
3.      Give Student’s worksheet to students
4.      Referring to the cooperative learning model, let each group does step by step. Guide each group in accomplishing this activity.
5.      Introduce tools for measuring temperature and times.
6.      Introduce to students how to measure temperature and times.
7.      Ask students in group to use the worksheet on measuring temperature and measuring times.
8.      Let one group present their result and other groups respond to it. Make sure that each group has known the correct answers.

Main Activity
1.       Give a reward to the group giving a good performance.
2.       Guide each group in accomplishing the activity.
3.       Let each group present their result and other groups respond to it. Make sure that each group has known the correct answers.
4.       Give a reward to the group giving a good performance.

1.        The teacher strengthens student’s understanding by asking one of the students to reread the answered
2.        The teacher give a reward to students who have shown good performance
3.        The teacher gives home assignments to encourage them to try the activity themselves.

Group Assignment

1.   Group Test
2.   Homework

Worksheet of Motion

Observe to recognize without seeing
Material :
  1. a piece of cloth

Procedure :
1.        observe your class throughly.
2.        blinfold your eyes with a piece of cloth
3.        your friend move a object in your class.
4.        Your activity is to find your friend.
5.        Open your blinfold.

Analizy :
1.      Can you identify the object while your eyes blinfolded?
2.      Note any clues that you use to rezognize the object
3.      Do you rely on your vision?
4.      Do you use other senses to preception?
5.      If there really an objects that was moved, can you explain it?

Conclusion :

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